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Welcome to Sophomore Year! 

  • my school bucks
2027 Current News
Dates & Events
Class of 2027.png
Upcoming Class Events
Important Dates
January 16
Class Forum #2 - Planning for Junior Year
January 20
Holiday - MLK, Jr Day/Inauguration Day

January 29
Student Holiday - End of Quarter Teacher Workday
February 17
Holiday - Presidents' Day
February 26
College Application Case Studies Night and Class Dinner
March 31
Holiday - Eid-al-Fitr
April 1
Student Holiday - End of Quarter Teacher Workday
April 14 - 18
Spring Break
May 26
Holiday - Memorial Day
June 11
Last Day of School

2027 News & Announcements


Save the Date

Wednesday, February 26:

College Application Case Studies Night and Class Dinner.  Sophomores and their parents/guardians will work in small groups alongside college admissions representatives as part of a mock admissions team, reviewing and analyzing college applications. The college professionals will lead discussions to help participants better understand the myths and realities of college admissions.  Join parents and members of the Class of 2027 ahead of time for an optional dinner fundraiser.  This is not a night you will want to miss!

Class Forum # 1: Helping Students Find their Place and Improve their Executive Functioning

Many thanks to Director of Student Activities Geoff Noto and School Psychologist Anna Brown for sharing their insights on getting involved and Executive Functioning.  Slides from the forum can be viewed here.

Class Communications

This year class communications will appear in Langley’s “This Week at Langley” Sunday emails, the Thursday PTSA eNews, and in emails from Assistant Principal Richard Deivert. 


To receive the "This Week at Langley" emails, please ensure you are subscribed via your FCPS “News You Choose” settings. You can check your settings at the FCPS News You Choose website. Make sure you are subscribed to “Langley HS News & Announcements.” If you are not subscribed, click on “Add Subscriptions” at the bottom of the page. On the next page, scroll to High Schools then Langley where you can check the box to add “Langley HS News & Announcements.” To finalize, hit the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. 


To receive the Langley PTSA eNews, sign up here.

Class Forum #2: Planning for Junior Year 

Thursday, January 16: Dr. Braden Peterson and Student Services counselors will discuss class selection and ways to ensure that your child is set up for success in the 2025-2026 school year.  Join fellow 10th grade parents for coffee and snacks at 9:00.  The presentation starts at 9:30.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the school hours?

Click here for information

Where can I find my child's bus route information?

Preliminary bus route details will be e-mailed to parents in August from the Office of Transportation Services. 

What if my child needs medications while at school?

The School Health Aide will be available for medication drop-off in the school Health Room. Details can be found on the Langley HS website. As needed, over-the-counter medications may be transported to school (directly to the clinic) after the first day by high school students, however the medication must be in the original unopened container and accompanied by an appropriate Medication Authorization. All prescription medications must be transported to school by a parent or designated adult. 

Details for medication drop-off in the school Health Room to come from Langley HS.


How does my child get their school Laptop and/or PE Uniform?

Information to come.

What do I do if my child has laptop or other FCPS technology problems?

Go to the Parent and Student IT Support Portal to learn more or to create a help ticket.

Where are the Administrative Offices located?

To get to the school offices, enter at Door 1.

Where is Langley Hal​l and the Auditorium?

Many school events are held in Langley Hall or the Auditorium, both inside Door 14.

Where is Kiss n' Ride?

Kiss n' Ride is located at the side loop, outside Doors 12 to 14.

What is the school's contact information?

We suggest adding the following contact information to your phone contacts.

Frequently Asjed Questions

2027 Class Contacts


Class Parent Volunteers 

Class Lead Parents:  Tracy Rohrbaugh and Julie DeLong

Volunteer Coordinator: Shimi Minhas

Communications: Jill Braunstein 
Class Dinners: Christina Murphy

Parent Coffees/Forums: Christine Mo

Prom: Lisa Durand

Photos/Senior Slide Show: Lisa Durand

Budget Liaison: Julie DeLong

All Night Grad Party Liaison (ANGP):  Mary Lee

Class Administrator   Richard Deivert   


Class Sponsor                 Kenny Torres

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