Class of 2022 Archive
Welcome Sophomores
Class of 2022!
We look forward to another fantastic year with you and your students and welcome your involvement in our many parent volunteer opportunities.
Thank you for supporting the Class of 2022!
Senior Swag
Store Extended until August 14nd
The class officers have designed some official Senior Swag that is available for purchase. A portion of each item goes to the Senior Class as a fundraiser. Funds will be used at the officer’s discretion and anything remaining will go towards end-of-the-year events. This merchandise is OPTIONAL. We do believe that there will be a homecoming t-shirt that is separate and part of class dues.
The Senior Swag store is open until August 14. Merchandise will be available for pick-up at the Senior Night on Wednesday, September 1.
Sophomore Class Dinner
February 12 | 6 PM
Sophomore Class Dinner and Program-Mock College Admissions Case Studies: Date February 12, 6 pm.
This program will allow you and your student to participate in small group sessions with admissions counselors representing more than 30 universities from across the country.
The dinner is the only fundraising event for the class. Please consider making a donation if you will be unable to attend. We thank you for your understanding as we plan the event.
Driver's Education
Nov. 18, or March 24 | 7 PM
Sophomore Driver’s Education Program (11/18, and 3/24, at 6:30 pm sharp) This 90-minute parent/teen traffic safety presentation, required by Virginia law, is a part of the juvenile licensing requirement. Attendance at one session is mandatory before a student may receive their Driver Education Certificate of Completion.
Learner's Permit Test @ Langley
Sept. 30, Oct. 23, Nov. 13, or Dec. 11
Don’t want to wait in line for hours at DMV for hours so your student can get their learner’s permit? Have no fear, for $15.00 your student can take their permit test at Langley.
When: September 30th, October 23rd, November 13th or December 11th
Time: 3:45 PM
Where: Room 2427 (Sports Med Room).
Who is eligible: Students who are at least 15 years and 6 months old. Note: You are not eligible if you have already failed the test 2 times at the DMV.
How do I sign my student up?
Register for this on the Adult Community Education (ACE) website.
Click DMV Driver Education Learner’s Permit Test
Couse a Course – The Langley Course # is DE09945
Choose a date
Click Register
You’ll pay the $15.00 on ACE when you register.
Once you have registered on ACE you must also register with the DMV
Do I need to be present?
No, however, you must complete and sign the DTS 41 consent form and have your student bring it to the test.
What does my student need to bring on the test day?
The completed and signed DTS 41 consent form
A picture ID to verify identity. If the student does not have a picture ID, take a picture, write the student’s full legal name under the picture, and have a teacher sign to verify the student’s identity.
FCPS issued laptop (if applicable) and earbuds/headphones to listen to directions and test audio.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Cheryl Buffo, or
Kara Copley,
Sophomore Parent Forums
Oct. 3, Dec. 5, and March 24 | 9:30 AM - 11 AM
Sophomore Parent Forum Dates (10/3, 12/5 and 3/24-9:30-11am) Mark your calendars! Join us in person or virtually via live-stream coverage to hear pertinent Langley news and informative speaker presentations planned for the year.
Please join us for the Sophomore Class Parent Forum on Thursday, October 3 from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM in the LHS Lecture Hall. Guest Speaker Jennifer Weaver, LCSW will give a presentation on "Parenting your Sophomore.” Ms. Weaver has an award-winning child and adolescent therapy practice in McLean, VA and serving Northern VA and Washington DC. Ms. Weaver will discuss the mentality of our sophomores, the challenges they face emotionally, and what we can do to help them with the stress and anxiety of navigating this school year.
In addition to Ms. Weaver’s presentation, you will also hear updates on the school year from Langley's administration and Class Parents.
Note: Please park in the bus area and enter through Door #9.
Can’t attend the forum in person? We will broadcast live with both Blackboard Connect and Facebook Live.
We need volunteers for the Forum. Please click on the following link for the sign-up:
Register through My School Bucks
Online class registration through My School Bucks is back again this year! Class dues, Homecoming t-shirt orders, and Class Dinner registration will all be handled via
Log into your My School Bucks account,
Choose “Browse All Items” in the “School Store” drop-down menu, there will be three icons to click:
Class of 2022,
Class of 2022 Dinner, and
Class of 2022 Donations.
Your generous donation will be used to help offset costs for Class Treat Days, Spirit Week Activities, Prom, and Graduation; potentially allowing for expanded activities and/or lower prom and graduation fees.
Pay online or bring a check to lunch September 23-26 to get the T-Shirt students will on September 27 for Spirit day.
Laptop Pickup Dates
10th grade is scheduled for the following days to pick up laptops:
A-L, 8am-11am
M-Z, 11am-2pm
8/20- 9 & 10th grade:
A-Z, 2pm-8pm
"Students must report to the building to pick up their own laptops. Students must report to the Lecture Hall with a photo ID for laptop distribution. Once the laptop is received, approximately 30 minutes will need to be allotted for students to complete the laptop check out process. Please enter the building through Entrance #14."
Back to School Night
All Grades
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Upcoming Events
October 2019
10/3 | Parent Forum 9:30 AM
November 2019
11/18 | Driver's Ed parent/teen safety presentation 7 PM
December 2019
12/5 | Parent Forum 9:30 AM
January 2020
February 2020
2/12 | Class Dinner 6 PM
March 2020
3/24 | Parent forum 9:30 AM
3/24 | Driver's Ed parent/teen safety presentation 7 PM
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
Class Lead Parent: Amy Swaak,
Treasurer: Heather Baker,
Volunteer Coordinator: Gina Ryan,
Communications: Stacy Tippens,
Class Parent Forums: Michelle Francis,
Class Dinners: Soraya Radwan,
Photos/Senior Slide Show: Melissa Schwartz,
ANG Liaison/Chair: Missy Perkins, & Angelique Bennett,
Prom: Eleanor DeMoors,