Welcome Freshmen!
Latest 2027 Class News

Upcoming Class Events and Important Dates
September 19, 2023
Class Dinner
September 18-23
Spirit and Homecoming Week
August 30-31, 2023
School Picture Day for Grandes 9-11
August 21, 2023
First Day of School
August 17, 2023
Freshman Orientation for Parents and Students
August 8-9, 2023
Saxon Start for Rising Freshman
August 7, 2023
Meet the Coach Night for Fall Sports
Heading 1
Share Class Photos (forthcoming)
LHS Freshman Parent Start-Up Guide (forthcoming)
Upload 2027
Class Photos
(coming soon)
Class of 2027 Slideshow
Start taking photos asap! First day of 9th Grade Photos needed!
It may seem like a long way off, but our students’ graduation will come sooner than you can imagine. One of the most memorable moments of Senior Week (the week leading up to graduation) is the class video that is viewed at the Senior Breakfast attended by seniors and their families.
We need your help! Share photos of your child's happy LHS memories as they happen - upload them here (link forthcoming) right from your phone or computer.
We can’t be everywhere. However, YOU are always at the memorable moments of your child’s life and probably with a camera in hand! Please share those great shots with us. Our goal is to have every student and activity represented in our Senior Class Video!
Include only pictures of the Class of 2027 and only Langley High School events, i.e. sports, concerts, dances, theater, treat days, Saxon Time, and field trips (once these things can actually occur). THANK YOU!

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the school hours?
Click here for information https://langleyhs.fcps.edu/about/bell-schedule
Details regarding medication drop-off ...
Details for medication drop-off in the school Health Room to come from Langley HS.
How does my child get their school Laptop and/or PE Uniform ?
Information to come.
What do I do if my child has laptop or other FCPS technology problems?
Go to the Parent and Student IT Support Portal to learn more or to create a help ticket. https://itweb.fcps.edu/itsupport/
Where are the Administrative Offices located?
To get to the school offices, enter at Door 1.
Where is Langley Hall and the Auditorium?
Many school events are held in Langley Hall or the Auditorium, both inside Door 14.
Where is Kiss n' Ride?
Kiss n' Ride is located at the side loop, outside Door 14.
What is ANGP?
ANGP stands for All Night Grad Party. For 30 years, Langley Seniors have enjoyed a safe, fun all-night party after their graduation at Constitution Hall. The ANGP is sponsored by the LHS PTSA and hosted by an ANGP chair and committee of Senior parents. Every LHS class provides volunteers to make the event a success. Freshmen parents setup, Sophomore parents decorate, Junior parents clean-up, and over 100 Senior parents organize and chaperone/work the event.
Seniors/graduates attend from 11:00 PM on the night of graduation until 4:00 AM the following morning. The goal is to reduce the risk of teen drinking and drug use on graduation night, saving the lives of our teens and others in the community. ANGP provides our graduates a fun, safe, alcohol- and drug-free evening to celebrate one last time with all of their classmates. Historically, more than 90 percent of the graduating seniors attend.
Have an FAQ that we missed? Email lhsparents2026@gmail.com.
2027 Class PARENTS
Class Parents
Class Lead Parents: Tracy Rohrbaugh and Chunxia Fu
Volunteer Coordinator: Shimi Minhas
Communications: Jill Braunstein
Class Dinners:
Parent Coffees/Forums: Christine Mo
Prom: Lisa Durand
Photos/Senior Slide Show: Lisa Durand
Budget Liaison: Julie DeLong
All Night Grad Party Liaison (ANGP): Mary Lee
Class Admin
Class Sponsors