Class of 2021
Welcome Juniors and Parents...

There are so many fun and informative events planned for this year’s junior class! For those families with their first junior, you may not know that we are tasked with funding many of those activities -- including highly-anticipated and truly appreciated treat days, Homecoming events, the Junior Class Dinner, the Junior/Senior Prom as well as hosting the Class of 2020 Senior Breakfast.
We rely on annual class dues of $35 to support all of those planned activities. An additional benefit -- your dues also include a Homecoming t-shirt for your Junior and we can tell you first-hand that students really enjoy wearing them during Spirit week!
With Spirit Week and Homecoming Game scheduled for September 23 - 27th, the deadline for Class Dues/Registration is Wednesday, September 4th to allow us to order all of the Homecoming t-shirts. Please register today to ensure your student receives the proper size!
Class Dues, Class Dinner and Class of 2021 Donation registration will all be handled via the MySchoolBucks online portal.
Log into your MySchoolBucks account, choose “Browse All Items” in the “School Store” drop-down menu, there will be three icons to click: Class of 2021, Class of 2021 Dinner, and Class of 2021 Donations.
Important Dates
National Honor Society Applications Due 9/28: Juniors interested in applying to the Langley chapter of the National Honor Society, should join the NHS Google Classroom using the code lwwttdv. Applications are due by September 28, 2019. Students will need to be logged into their school Google accounts in order to access and submit the application. Please direct any questions to Mrs. Conner ( or Ms. Stankiewicz ( .
Spirit Week/Homecoming – Sep 23-28
PSAT Testing – Oct 16
Junior Class Parent Forum Dates – Sep 19, Dec 6, Mar 20
Join us in person or virtually via live-stream coverage to hear pertinent Langley news and informative speaker presentations planned for the year.
Junior Class Dinner and College Search Prep Night – Feb 13 @ 6pm
College admissions counselors will discuss the college search and application process.
Junior/Senior Prom – May 16
Interested in helping out with the Prom? Contact Kim Finch at
Hey Junior Shutterbugs!
We need your Class of 2021 Photos!
Our Class will be collecting photos over the years to be shown at the Senior Slide Show.
We would love group photos of Langley students at various Langley events!
It’s never too early to start sending those photos in!
Please send to

Upcoming Class Events:
Junior Class Dinner:
February 13 @ 6pm
Junior Class Parent Forums:
Thurs, Sept 19 @ 9:30-11
Fri, Dec 6 @ 9:30-11
Fri, Mar 20 @ 9:30-11
Can't attend in person?
Please, join our parent forums virtually using this link and/or dial in any questions via the number and pin below:
Dial-in: 571-392-7650
Pin: 2664855532

Congratulations to our Class of 2021 Junior Class Officers!
Picture coming soon!
New Officers: Devran Johnson (President), Danielle Grieco (Vice President),
Cate Brownlee (Secretary), Ellison Soobert (Treasurer), Fatima Mahdi & Carley Tabola (SGA Representatives)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is MySchoolBucks?
It is a website used by FCPS and school systems nationwide to collect payments online for school meals, after-school programs, athletic fees, and more. With MySchoolBucks parents can easily add money to their student's accounts, check balances and recent purchases, and set up notifications for upcoming payments all conveniently online.
Why Are There Annual Class Dues?
The dues that are requested each of the four years at Langley and are used to cover costs not paid for by Fairfax County. They include annual costs such as the Homecoming T-shirts, class treats (doughnuts distributed a few times a year), class parent coffees, and the information packets handed out at the beginning of the year. But the larger and more important costs come junior and senior years and include some prom costs and senior events including the class field trips (e.g., Hershey Park), senior picnic, Ethics Day, senior video, senior breakfast, and almost $40,000 in graduation costs from caps & gowns to the venue itself among numerous other costs. By collecting Class Dues each year and through various fund raising events, we are able to significantly lessen the cost to each family of these activities.
What are the school hours?
Classes begin promptly at 8:10AM and end at 2:55PM. Click here for the Langley bell schedule.
What classes does my student have on which days?
On “Green Days”, students attend classes for periods 1, 3, 5,7.
On “Gold Days”, students attend classes for periods 2, 3, 4, 6
Saxon Time is held on all days with a full school day at the same time: 9:47 – 10:17AM.
When is the directory available?
Directories were distributed to students in early November (via 3rd period teacher). Many parents find the mobile app the most useful way to access directory information. You can search by student or parent names and easily access address and phone numbers. Download the app to your phone today: Use your login information provided/created when you updated your student’s information. Questions? Contact:
What is ANGP?
ANGP stands for All Night Grad Party. For 30 years, Langley seniors have enjoyed a safe, fun party all-night after their graduation at Constitution Hall. The ANGP is sponsored by the LHS PTSA and hosted by an ANGP chair and committee of Senior Parents. Every LHS class provides volunteers to make the event a success. Freshmen parents setup, Sophomore parents decorate, Junior parents cleanup, and over 100 Senior parents organize and chaperone/work the event.
Graduating seniors attend from 11:00PM on the night of graduation until 4:00AM the following morning. The goal is to reduce the risk of teen drinking and drug use on graduation night, saving the lives of our teens and others in the community. ANGP provides our graduates a fun, safe, alcohol and drug free evening to celebrate one last time with all of their classmates. Historically, more than 90 percent of the graduating seniors attend.
Interested in helping out with ANGP? Contact Sydnee Calderwood at
Class Parents
Co-Lead Class Parents – Lee Ann Brownlee & Noelle Soobert,;
Treasurer – Eric Reed,
Communications – Suzie Grieco,
Coffees – Deb Worden,
Dinners – Laurie Bennett & Kelly Schulman,;
Volunteers – Peggy Flaxman,
Senior Slideshow – Linda Somogyi,
ANGP Liason – Sydnee Calderwood,
Prom - Kim Finch,
Class Administrator
Assistant Principal
James Sykes,
Class Sponsors
Michelle Huang,
Jay O'Rourke,